Title page to Pauline Chase's "Peter Pan's Postbag", published in 1909 (Read More)
Peter Pan programme, dated 9 February 1910 (Read More)
Peter Pan Programme for the 1st revival 1905/06 with Cecilia Loftus as Peter (Read More)
Peter Pan in Paris for its second season in 1909. (Read More)
"Peter Pan I Love You", including the title page. Written by Robert King and Ray Henderson for the 1 (Read More)
The reverse of the image on the poster (Read More)
A poster published by Evans Bros. as part as of their teacher training publications depicting the Da (Read More)
Jean Forbes-Robertson as Peter Pan, Mary Casson as Wendy, Gerald du Maurier as Mr Darling, Marie Loh (Read More)
Letter from Peter to his grandfather, the Rev John Llewelyn Davies on his 80th birthday, giving an a (Read More)
Pauline Chase remembers her time as Peter Pan between 1907 and 1913 in an article published in Stran (Read More)